Illumination, Visibility and Surveillance Algorithmic Problems

Approved by: CRUP- Conselho de Reitores das Universidades Portuguesas

Dates: January 2006 - December 2007

Coordinators: M. Abellanas and A. Bajuelos

Research team:

Research topics: Development of heuristics that allow us to spot dominant convex regions, that is, regions that are only illuminated/guarded if the others are. Identifying properties of some polygons’ classes that might be useful for developing new heuristics. Studying good illumination of limited range for some geometrical structures and different lights’ configurations.

Research visits supported by the project:

M. Abellanas and G. Hernández, Universidade de Aveiro, Departamento de Matemática (CEOC), 5-8 February 2006.
I. Matos, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Facultad Informática, 26-30 August 2006.
S. Canales and G. Hernández, Universidade de Aveiro, Departamento de Matemática (CEOC), 25-27 September 2006.
M. Abellanas, S. Canales, G. Hernández, D. Llanos, D. Orden and B. Palop, Universidade de Aveiro, Departamento de Matemática, 7-9 February 2007.
I. Matos and A. Martins, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Facultad Informática, 18-22 June 2007.